Study: Sugary Drink Consumption on Rise among Hispanic, Black Kids in California


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latino kid pizza and sodaConsumption of soda and other sugary drinks among young children in California is starting to decline overall, according to a new study.

But there’s bad news, too.

There was an alarming 8% spike in sugary drink consumption among adolescents ages 12-17, and consumption also rose significantly among Latino and African American adolescents.

The study, Still Bubbling Over: California Adolescents Drinking More Soda and Other Sugar-Sweetened Beverages, provides a comprehensive look at youth (ages 2-17) consumption of sugary drinks, charting consumption patterns from 2005-2007 to 2011-2012. The study was produced collaboratively by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research and the California Center for Public Health Advocacy (CCPHA).

Sugary drink consumption did decreased by 30% among kids ages 2-5 and 26% among kids ages 6-11 in California.

But among kids ages 12-17, 65% drink sugary beverages daily, an 8% climb since 2005-2007.

PressKit_Consumption-By_Race_EthnicityAnd major disparities exist between races/ethnicities.

About 74% of African American and 73% of Latino adolescents drink at least one sugary drink each day, compared to 63% of Asians and 56% of whites.

Adolescents in all ethnic groups, except whites, consumed more sugary drinks in 2011-12 than in 2005-07.

The report ends with this recommendation: “With nearly 40 percent of California children overweight or obese, it is vital that parents, educators, health professionals, businesses and policymakers work together to identify and implement public policies and other programs and strategies to reduce sugary drink consumption and protect children, especially teens.”

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By The Numbers By The Numbers



of Latino kids have obesity (compared to 11.7% of white kids)

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