Making Awesome Changes: Teen Gets Healthy Breakfast Cart at School


breakfast cart
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breakfast cartA nutritious breakfast is important for on-the-go kids.

Michaelie Love, a junior at Lee High School in San Antonio, found few of her peers ate breakfast, so she helped bring a breakfast cart with fast, low-fat, low-sugar, and whole-grain options at her school.

Love’s efforts are now featured in the new “Making Awesome Changes” TV series, which partners KSAT-TV and Salud America! to feature Salud Heroes—people and groups who are pushing for healthy changes—on the evening news.

Salud America! is a Latino childhood obesity research network supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and directed by Dr. Amelie G. Ramirez of the Institute for Health Promotion Research at the UT Health Science Center at San Antonio.

making awesome changesPast “Making Awesome Changes” stories include:

Michelle Love, meanwhile, hopes more of her peers now eat a healthy breakfast.

“The morning, it’s time for you to hang out with your friends before you have to go into class, so you don’t want to have to spend time in the cafeteria,” Love said.

Stay tuned for more stories from Salud America! and KSAT-TV!

By The Numbers By The Numbers



of Latino kids have obesity (compared to 11.7% of white kids)

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