‘Sugar Lowdown’ Campaign Shines Light on Added Sugar Content in Drinks


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New PictureOne sugary drink a day for a year is equal to 7,300 sugar cubes—the length of four blue whales—according to a new online campaign to promote more water and fewer sugary drinks from the Alliance for a Healthier Generation and Brita USA.

Sugar-sweetened beverages are the largest source of added sugar in the diets of US youth.

Parents, caregivers, and role models for the next generation can set the right example and relay the right message about sugar consumption to kids, according to the Alliance for a Healthier Generation blog post.

“It’s easy to overlook the amount of sugar we consume in a single day when we look at it as just flavor. Remove that sugar from the drink and give it a physical form, and it turns into something that we would not as quickly put into our bodies. Think 14,600 teaspoons of sugar or maybe 7,300 sugar cubes,” according to the blog post.

Here’s some attractive infographics on the issue and a video.

sugar whales

By The Numbers By The Numbers



of Latino kids have obesity (compared to 11.7% of white kids)

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