New Spanish-Language Podcasts on Quitting Smoking, Autism, Healthcare and Asthma


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The U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s Healthcare 411 audio news source provides practical health care information, research findings, and data in English and Spanish to help consumers, health providers, health insurers, researchers, and policymakers make informed decisions about health care issues.

The site offers some brand-new Spanish-language podcasts on these topics:

Consejos para dejar de fumar: Provides suggestions to help individuals break their smoking habit.

Terapias para niños con trastornos del espectro autista: Discusses treatment options for children with autism

Toma las riendas: Discusses how patients can increase their awareness about common healthcare issues

Disparidades en el uso de medicamentos para el asma: Discusses the disparities of asthma medication usage among the Latino community

To view more Spanish-language programs, go here.

By The Numbers By The Numbers



of Latinos remain without health insurance coverage

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