National Bike to Work Day


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Data from the League of American Bicyclists shows that 40% of all trips in the U.S. are less than two miles and the number of bicycle commuters has increased tremendously over the last 16 years—especially among Latinos who have the second highest bicycle commuting rate.

Senior Hispanic Couple Riding Bikes In Park
Senior Latino Couple Riding Bikes In Park

Peddling to work is not only good for the environment, but it’s also good for the heart and can significantly cut the risk for cardiovascular disease and diabetes—a condition that affects millions of Latinos.

According to doctors the health benefits of bike riding also include:

• Increased cardiovascular fitness
• Increased muscle strength and flexibility
• Improved joint mobility
• Decreased stress levels
• Improved posture and coordination
• Strengthened bones
• Decreased body fat levels
• Prevention or management of disease
• Reduced anxiety and depression

To raise awareness of the health benefits of bike riding, today is #NationalBiketoWorkDay, take a look all the events happening across the country here.

By The Numbers By The Numbers



Expected rise in Latino cancer cases in coming years

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