6 Ways Hispanics Can Protect against Eye Disease


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What You Should Know About Diabetic Eye Disease At-a-GlanceThe number of Hispanics with diabetes-related eye diseases is expected to double from 1.2 to 3 million by 2030, according to the National Eye Institute (NEI).

All diabetics can develop eye problems.

But Hispanics and older adults with diabetes are at higher risk of losing vision or going blind from diabetic eye disease—a group of eye problems that people with diabetes may face as a complication of the disease and includes cataract, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy, the leading cause of blindness among adults ages 20-74.

Here are seven tips from the NEI to reduce or detect diabetic eye disease:

  • All diabetics should have a dilated eye exam at least once a year to detect vision problems early.
  • Take your medications.
  • Reach and maintain a healthy weight.
  • Add physical activity to your daily routine.
  • Control your blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol.
  • Kick the smoking habit.

NEI experts especially recommend the annual eye exam.

“With early detection, timely treatment, and appropriate follow-up care, people with diabetic retinopathy can reduce their risk of severe vision loss by 95 percent,” said Dr. Suber Huang of the NEI.

Get more information from the NEI in English or Spanish.

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of Latino kids have obesity (compared to 11.7% of white kids)

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