WINNING VIDEO: App Brings Fitness to Your Fingertips!


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appCan your phone = fitness?

Yes, if you have the new Choose Healthier smartphone app, which geo-locates recreational facilities (parks, gyms, etc.) and real-time fitness opportunities (karate classes, Yoga groups, etc.) in Austin, Texas, thanks to IT’S TIME TEXAS and the Dell Children’s Medical Center of Central Texas.

Read their story or watch their winning video about the steps they took to plan, mobilize support for, design, and implement the free app, which can recognize a user’s current location and allows them to filter by type of physical activity, time/date and location, and share their favorites on social media—all to help people make healthier choices.

The app also just won the Salud America! #SaludHeroes video voting contest!

“We really want to add new features and continue to develop the app, make it bilingual, add more and more resources inside the app,” said Baker Harrell of IT’S TIME TEXAS. “We want to see improved health outcomes. We want to see a lowering of overweight and obesity and the rate of type 2 diabetes.”

Salud America! is a Latino childhood obesity network funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and led by Dr. Amelie G. Ramirez of the Institute for Health Promotion Research at the UT Health Science Center at San Antonio. Salud America! runs a periodic voting contest.

By The Numbers By The Numbers



of Latino kids have obesity (compared to 11.7% of white kids)

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