Recommendations for Healthier Beverages

Soda, sweetened fruit drinks, sports drinks, and energy drinks account for nearly half of all added sugar consumption in the average American diet. "Recommendations for Healthier Beverages" was published by Healthy Eating Research in March 2013 in response to America's growing addiction to sugary drinks. Schools, child-care centers, hospitals, governments, and businesses can use the guidelines to provide children and families with healthy beverage ...

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Report: Obesity Fight Must Shift from Personal Blame

America's obesity epidemic is so deeply rooted that it will take dramatic and systemic measures—from overhauling farm policies and zoning laws to, possibly, introducing a soda tax—to fix it, according to a new report released May 8, 2012, by the influential Institute of Medicine (IOM), Reuters reports. The 478-page report, according to Reuters, refutes the idea that obesity is largely the result of a lack of willpower on the part of individuals: Instead, it embraces policy proposals that have met with stiff resistance from the food industry and lawmakers, arguing that multiple strategies will be needed to make the U.S. environment less "obesogenic." The IOM, part of the National Academies, offers advice to the government and others on health issues. Its report was released at ...

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Heart Disease is No. 1 Killer of Latinas; Find Helpful Resources in Spanish

Heart Disease is the No. 1 killer of Hispanic women, taking the life of one woman a minute. However, despite this heightened risk, most are still unaware of the threat to themselves and their families. The treatment of diseases like high blood pressure, high blood sugar levels, and high cholesterol is guided by a set of general recommendations that the American Heart Association has been publishing since 1999 as a critical “weapon” in the fight against heart disease. Recently, these official guidelines were updated to include new research information, especially with regard to heart health in women. The updated guidelines also emphasize the importance of recognizing racial and ethnic diversity and its impact on cardiovascular disease. "These recommendations underscore the ...

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