What Not to Pass on to Your Loved Ones


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You want to pass on family traditions, a grandmother’s quilt or dad’s love of books—but no one wants to pass on a serious illness.

That’s why vaccines are so important, especially for Latinos.

Few adults know about the need for vaccines and even fewer are fully vaccinated, and fewer Latino adults get proper vaccinations (33%) than their white counterparts (45%).

That means tens of thousands of adults needlessly suffer, are hospitalized, and even die as a result of diseases that could be prevented by vaccines.

And if you get sick, you may risk spreading certain diseases to others. That’s a risk most of us do not want to take. Infants, older adults and people with weakened immune systems (like those undergoing cancer treatment) are especially vulnerable to infectious diseases, which can have dire effects.

What can you do?

You can help protect your health and the health of your loved ones by asking about vaccines at your next doctor’s visit and getting your recommended vaccines to protect against diseases like pertussis, hepatitis, shingles and pneumococcal disease.

Getting vaccinated is is easier than you think.

Adults can get vaccines at doctors’ offices, pharmacies, workplaces, health clinics and health departments. Most health insurance plans cover the cost of recommended vaccines—a call to your insurance provider can give you the details.

Check out this map to help find a vaccine provider near you.

By The Numbers By The Numbers



of Latino kids have obesity (compared to 11.7% of white kids)

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