Study: Knowing Cultural Food Patterns Can Help Fight Obesity in Latina Immigrants


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cooking blackLatinos are 1.2 times as likely as whites to be obese, federal data shows.

One big reason for this obesity disparity is Latino immigrants’ cultural food patterns, but NYU College of Nursing researchers reviewed 13 studies on the issue and found they usually consider Latinos as a single ethnic group and don’t account for cultural differences based on country of origin.

Thus, because food words vary between countries, Latinos may be unable to rely on each other for proper translation when it comes to making informed, healthy decisions.

“The immigrant experience pervades every aspect of an immigrant Latina’s life, and ultimately influences the dynamics that become barriers and facilitators to healthy food choices,” said study author Lauren Gerchow. “Such barriers include changes in routines and circumstances such as snacking, the availability of fast food, and the cost of healthy foods. Furthermore, socioeconomic status, lack of transportation, and a lack of nutritional knowledge and education, were all found to be barriers to healthy food patterns.”

Gerchow said the study warrants that healthcare providers recognize the complex influences behind eating behaviors among immigrant Latinas in order to design effective behavior change and goal-setting programs to support healthy lifestyles.

By The Numbers By The Numbers



of Latino kids have obesity (compared to 11.7% of white kids)

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