Spanish Campaign: Tackling COPD among Latinos


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The rising U.S. Latino population makes it important to help educate this group about the nation’s third-leading cause of death: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

That’s why the American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST), in collaboration with Sunovion Pharmaceuticals, Inc., and AstraZeneca, launched Tome Un Respiro, the first Spanish-language campaign to raise awareness among Latinos about COPD prevalence, treatment, and disease management.COPDInfographEnglish

Nearly one of two cases of COPD goes undiagnosed, according to CHEST.

“Raising awareness of the signs and symptoms of COPD is critical, said Dr. Michael A. Campos, Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine and Chief, Pulmonary Section at the Miami Veterans Affairs Medical Center. “Currently, people with COPD within the [Latino] community visit the emergency room at twice the rate of [non-Latinos]. Facilitating earlier diagnosis and routine treatment may help ensure improved quality of life and help patients, families, and caregivers understand and manage the condition.”

The Tome Un Respiro website offers Spanish-language resources and tools related to disease management, as well as information on causes, treatments and access to caregiver resources.

Visit Tome Un Respiro for more information.

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