Ranking: The Top 40 Schools for Hispanics


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diversityWhat are the best schools for Hispanics to seek higher education?

HispanicBusiness ranked the top-40 “Best Schools” based on the number of Hispanic students enrolled, degrees awarded, full-time Hispanic faculty and programs, and more.

Of the 40 schools combined, Texas has 12, followed by Florida, with 10, and California, with six.

“While these schools are obviously assisted by being in states with a large Hispanic population, they also have top-notch programs that ensure these students stay at home to go to graduate school,” HispanicBusiness reports. “Many of them placed very high in the student-services part of our scoring.”

The ranking includes the top-10 in four school categories: graduate, medical, law, and business.

Here are the top schools by category:

  • MEDICAL−School of Medicine, UT Health Science Center at San Antonio: 19.7% Hispanic graduate enrollment; 21.3% of degrees awarded to Hispanics; 14.8% Hispanic faculty.
  • ENGINEERING−College of Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology: 7.2% Hispanic graduate enrollment; 5.9% of MBA degrees awarded to Hispanics; 2.9% Hispanic faculty.
  • LAW−College of Law, Florida International: 46.4% Hispanic graduate enrollment; 41.3% of degrees awarded to Hispanics; 22.7% Hispanic faculty.
  • BUSINESS−College of Business Administration at the University of Texas at El Paso: 64% Hispanic graduate enrollment; 59.6% of degrees awarded to Hispanics; 26.7% Hispanic faculty.

The top overall school was the University of New Mexico (UNM), which ranked first among graduate schools, sixth in engineering, and 10th in both law and medicine.

“UNM, which among the four disciplines averaged a 31.6% Hispanic enrollment rate, also has one of the highest Hispanic faculty rates in the country and stellar programs to attract and retain Hispanic students,” according to HispanicBusiness.

By The Numbers By The Numbers



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