Join our Tweetchat 3/25/14 on Latino Kids and Sugary Drinks


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iStock_000013044542LargeLatino kids drink above-average amount of sugary drinks (soda, sports/fruit drinks, flavored milk), contributing to higher obesity rates.

What can be done?

Join Salud America!, the Yale Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity, and the Center for Science in the Public Interest for a #GrowingHealthyChange Tweetchat, “Sugary Drinks & Latino Kids” at noon central (1 p.m. eastern) Tuesday, March 25, 2014.

Growing Healthy Change is a website from Salud America! to empower healthy community changes—including less sugary drinks and more water—for Latino kids locally and across the nation.

Follow the Tweetchat on Twitter (via @SaludToday, @YaleRuddCenter, and @CSPI) to ask questions, learn more about sugary drink initiatives, and share what sugary drink changes you’re already making or want to make, and what resources you’re using or want to use to make a change:

  • DATE: Tuesday, March 25, 2014
  • TIME: Noon CST (1:00 PM EDT)
  • WHERE: On Twitter with hashtag #GrowingHealthyChange
  • WHO: @SaludToday, @YaleRuddCenter, @CSPI, and YOU!

Be sure to follow @SaludToday, @YaleRuddCenter, and @CSPI on Twitter and use the hashtag #GrowingHealthyChange to participate.

By The Numbers By The Numbers



of Latino kids have obesity (compared to 11.7% of white kids)

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