Infographic: Tiendas/Bodegas & Latino Kids


tiendas bodegas corner stores
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Many Latinos live in areas with poor access to supermarkets and easy access to corner stores, also called tiendas or bodegas.

Research indicates that when corner stores offer a wider selection of healthy foods and promote them, Latinos are more likely to buy them and eat healthier, according to our new infographic on tiendas/bodegas, which is part of the new Salud America! Better Food in the Neighborhood and Latino Kids research package on the latest science and policy recommendations on healthy food access among Latinos.

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Salud America! is a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation-funded national Latino childhood obesity prevention network based at the UT Health Science Center at San Antonio, the team behind SaludToday.

By The Numbers By The Numbers



of Latinos remain without health insurance coverage

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